As it stands now a 'Round-The-World' trip has translated into 'Lets do Central and South America and if we can afford it, Australia too'. After much deliberation, it seemed both myself and the boy didn't want to just take a lily pad hop around the world and back again, just for the satisfaction of filling our passports. We'd prefer to focus on specific places and be sure to see and do as much as we can, truly making the most out of our location and absorbing as much of it as possible.
We've both made the decision that Central and South America would make the perfect setting for the greatest adventures.
My longing to travel the East coast of Australia still lingers, so if our purse strings will stretch far enough, we will be heading to Australia after 6 months traveling Latin America. In Oz we would be able to work our way along the coast, so that makes the whole idea much more attainable. New Zealand is also at the top of both of our lists.
We plan to book our flights in August this year and set sail at the end of November.
Who knows when we'll return! :)