As we head along the coastline of Argentina towards Chile we will also be fast approaching Christmas! The other day I set Jack the task of looking for something special for us to do on the day, and he came up with Torres del Paine National Park, a national park encompassing mountains, a glacier, a lake, and river-rich areas in southern Chilean Patagonia. We'll be trekking, hiking, camping and on Christmas day we hope to visit the Glacier.
Considering the Argentinian sunshine will be confusing our 'Christmas brains' it will be the perfect place to go to feel the all-familiar chill of Christmas.
This area, an amazing natural wonder, is located in the area known as Austral Andes in Argentina, in the south west of Santa Cruz on the border with Chile. The national park, created in 1937, is the second largest in Argentina. Its name refers to the giant ice cap in the Andes range that feeds 47 large glaciers, of which only 13 flow towards the Atlantic Ocean. The ice cap is the largest outside of Antarctica and Greenland.
We will probably still be in this area for New Years Eve too, what a beautiful part of the world to be in while welcoming in the new year.
Considering the Argentinian sunshine will be confusing our 'Christmas brains' it will be the perfect place to go to feel the all-familiar chill of Christmas.
We will probably still be in this area for New Years Eve too, what a beautiful part of the world to be in while welcoming in the new year.