We will be spending time at a Volunteering Project in Chile: 'Save The Wild Chinchillas' - Habitat Re-establishment

Saturday 26 February 2011

Testing the Water

Best Blogger Tips
From adding a few handfuls of projects to my 'favourite' list I decided to send an email to a couple of my top choices, just to scope out the availability for volunteer roles. I wrote to a Malaysian Rainforest Lodge and a Costa Rican Jungle Hideaway.

'A Rainforest and Birding Paradise in Costa Rica'

As of yet there has been no response (super sad face). I contacted Ecoteer to query whether this was quite normal considering they are situated out in the jungle somewhere. They were super hot off the press to get back to me and also sent queries on my behalf to the projects. It could take a while to hear back from those I have contacted and I feel I may need to be persistent. I think I will contact them directly from my own email too as well as via Ecoteer, it might just increase my chances of hearing from them. I will also be wise to cast my net further and contact more projects I have on my list. Hopefully I'll get at least one response! Watch this space. Stumble Upon Toolbar

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